
About me and the site

Who am I?

Im super interesed in code, design and figuring out how stuff works.

I've been in software engineering for about 5 years now, mostly working with web technologies in the FinTech industry but dabbling in other things as well.

Trying to build something meaningful along the way.

Now that formalities are out of the way, I'll try to explain in a couple of words why I started this blog.


I'm going to be totally honest; I've been thinking about starting my own site for about 2 to 3 years now and realized the best time to start was yesterday.

If this is all im going to post on this site, so be it. If not, then it will be something along the lines:

  • things I learn;
  • things I experience while abroad;
  • things I learn from other fields, and how they apply to software engineering.

That's it, at least for now.
